
Why you should learn 8051 before AVR, arduino or raspberry pi?

The 8051 microcontroller is know to be one of the very basic microcontroller and the old one. It is almost in every syllabus of electronics engineering and computer science. It still exist in the syllabus. But that is not the reason you should learn 8051. The hands-on approach on 8051 microcontroller along with the tutorial on breadboard will help you to get your hands dirty on the breadboard level. The reason why it is important is because when yo move towards ready made development boards, you loose the opportunity to learn the actuall connections between the circuit. The trouble shooting process, the idea of manually connecting the wires, thinking about the connection and then writing the program logic will help you understand 8051 micrcontroller from the practical point of view. You can co relate your theory with the hands-on activity you will do while doing the project. Its a great way of learning 8051 micrcontroller step by step. Our tutorial focuses on getting you through the step by step procedure and guidance towards hands-on approach towards 8051 micrcontroller.
8051 for beginners

Happy learning :)

Unknown is a medium for hobbyist and enthusiasts to learn 8051 microcontroller from scratch on bread board.

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