
How to Program a P89V51RD2 (8051) Microcontroller using USB to UART on Breadboard

As stated in the topic, we are going to see how to program a 8051 microcontroller using USB to UART or USB to TTL converter. The microcontroller P89V51RD2 gets program directly through serial converter. We have made a detailed video of the process of programming it. Just follow the Instructions in the video. If you have any query just write it in the comment box.

Components Needed:
1. USB to UART or USB to TTL - 1 
2. One to One connectors - 4
3. USB to UART Cable

Connections :
(USB To UART)  RX <-----> TX (8051 Microcontroller)
(USB To UART)  TX <-----> RX (8051 Microcontroller)
(USB To UART)  gnd <-----> gnd (8051 Microcontroller)
(USB To UART)  +5V(VCC) <-----> VCC (8051 Microcontroller)

Video : 

Unknown is a medium for hobbyist and enthusiasts to learn 8051 microcontroller from scratch on bread board.

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